this one's for Dad - he checks the blog everyday and I've been slack....I remember seeing this girl shooting video one time when I was at Food on the little pictures on her website for mini-docs about the "young" people of marfa...they're OK, but it's a pity that she used the same interviews for each of the pieces, if she'd varied the interviews each piece could have had a different flavor....still they're cute, and look out for Radio Rachel! For a slicker take on the mini-doc/video portrait check out this from auteur David Lynch. He interviewed 3 people from Marfa, and as opposed to the previous videos, where I knew most of the people being interviewed, in Lynch's I can't say I know any....yet!
Stay tuned for a landscaping update - I'm headed out to Texas tomorrow morning for some weeding & watering, as well as 24 Hour plays!
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