One With Salt

this is what happens when Sam hits the road!

Friday, August 21, 2009

An action-packed recap of last weekend's 24 Hour Plays in the Big Bend Sentinel Everybody gets a shout-out, including yours truly! I also donated an "angelic spririt" costume seen on Mallory, above.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Carmen's reopened....

Crowley Theater

The back door was rolled up for 24 plays....Godbold building in the
distance and train tracks to the right....

my antique farm sink arrived while I was up to David to build countertops etc and Alfredo to install it! Maybe by the next time I'm out there....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Swing Gallery

My friend, and ride from El Paso this trip, Amira! Dropping me back in
El Paso on Monday on her way back to Arizona.

Don't know how these guys made it through!

We dug these up, sprayed with week killer cause they were next to
house (nice to know it doesnt work on plants) and then covered with
cloth!!!! Still they got through...

But even WITH the cloth....

....the weeds will still come through. Looks like I have some work to
do Sunday, after 24 Hour Plays.

A lot of rain and no barrier cloth

On the driveway I didn't use the weed barrier because I figured that
car wheels would chew it up....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pecan orchard Fabens, Texas

Food Shark: Best dining in Marfa! This is their commercial

Thursday, August 13, 2009

this one's for Dad - he checks the blog everyday and I've been slack....I remember seeing this girl shooting video one time when I was at Food on the little pictures on her website for mini-docs about the "young" people of marfa...they're OK, but it's a pity that she used the same interviews for each of the pieces, if she'd varied the interviews each piece could have had a different flavor....still they're cute, and look out for Radio Rachel! For a slicker take on the mini-doc/video portrait check out this from auteur David Lynch. He interviewed 3 people from Marfa, and as opposed to the previous videos, where I knew most of the people being interviewed, in Lynch's I can't say I know any....yet!

Stay tuned for a landscaping update - I'm headed out to Texas tomorrow morning for some weeding & watering, as well as 24 Hour plays!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Another party pic, from David
In other news, vintage farm sink and replacement faucet have arrived, so sink installation is next...still waiting for countertops....